Virtually Eugenia – Mental Ideas Podcast

On this week’s Mental Ideas strand of RTHK‘s 123 Show, I’m joined in the studio by Korean virtual reality dance-maker and all round brainiac Eugenia Kim, where we discuss the relationship between bipolar disorder and creativity. Is there any truth in it? Or is it just a dangerous delusion of grandeur?

The #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek episode aired live May 21, 2020. On next week’s show, I’m joined by Depressed Banker, photographer and author Christina Yung, who is anything but depressing!!! Join me on RTHK Radio 3 Thursday May 28 @ 2.30pm HKT! 

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More Links!

Virtually Eugenia on RTHK

Eugenia Kim Bio

Lithium Hindsight 360

Previous Podcasts!

The Depressed Comedian

A Bipolar Love Story

The Agitated Air Stewardess

The Psychopathic Actor

The Criminal Sleepwalker

Death & The Frozen Tundra