- Mental Ideas nominated for Mental Health Award
- HKILF 2025: Save the Dates!
- Toxic Love
- Transference Surpasses 26M Views!
- Mood v Weather
- Happy 2025!
- The Apostrophe - Action
- To Love A Narcissist in Sanctum
- The Ballad of Billy Lopez
- To Love A Narcissist @ British Council Films
- Find me in the Reflection Room on RTHK Radio 3
- Here and Now Exhibition
- The Apostrophe - Excuses
- Eny Re-imagines Wellbeing in Powerful TEDx Talk!
- Brain Back Memories
- Still Life Without Labels
- Exhibition at 3812 Gallery
- To Love A Narcissist in Variety!
- TLAN Official Hoodies!
- The Apostrophe - Food
Transference Translated Into Norwegian Ahead of Oslo Screening!
Brexit may be “done”, but the Norway Option is still readily available – thanks to a timely intervention by Contro Vento Films and Mental Ideas!
Transference: A Bipolar Love Story has been translated into Norwegian ahead of the film’s upcoming screening in Oslo! The news follows recent screenings of the 90-min film in London and Italy. Some big announcements re premieres and distribution are being teased by the film’s director Raffaello Degruttola! I had the honor of co-producing Transference (via Mental Ideas) with Raff and Contro Vento Films in 2019 and the collaborations have gathered momentum in 2020, with new short film Intuition already shot and in post-production!