The Apostrophe Lucky 8

Lucky Issue 8 of The Apostrophe has dropped! This one features characterful artwork by Kasra Shroff (cover), Bethan Greaves and Anthony Roussel. Thanks to everyone who shared their art with me!

As we’ve been publishing for two years and 8 issues – and 8 is the luckiest number in Chinese culture – we’ve decided it’s time to celebrate! Our ‘Lucky Eight’ Party is an opportunity for editors and contributors to meet and will be held at Varga Lounge (1/F), 36 Staunton Street, SoHo, from 7-10pm April 1, 2025 (no joke!) We’ll raise a glass to those of you who won’t be in Hong Kong on that day, too!

April 1st will also be the day submissions reopen for Issue #9 – the theme is ROOTS. This is the first time we have chosen a theme inspired by a piece of art that was submitted by the artist for an earlier theme. So thanks for that, Bethan Greaves – you’re our cover artist for the next issue

The Apostrophe Issue 8

Lucky Issue 8 Cover Photo by Kasra Shroff, who probably won’t be joining us at Varga Lounge cuz he has school the next day (yep – Kaz is our youngest contributor by about 8 years!)

Found this pic of Varga online I’m 99.9% sure the blurred out blonde at the bar is me so I’m recording it for posterity and to demand a free margarita the next time I go there as a modelling fee. 
