The Score

The HK Lit Fest launch of the HKWC‘s 20th anniversary anthology, Score, has officially sold out! But if previous years are anything to go by, there’ll be no-shows, so it’s DEFINITELY worth turning up for the 6pm event at the HK Fringe! The chances are you’ll be wafted in. I’ll be reading one of my Two Shit Shorts! The book will be published the same day and on sale in Bookazine and Amazon.

Tickets are still available for the launch of The Tentacle by the Peel Street Poets at the Social Room and the Women in Publishing Society‘s launch of Imprint 23 at the FCC (a bargain once you factor in the free food and hooch! Plus every guest receives a copy of the anthology, artfully edited by Chief WiP Carol Dyer.)

Hope to see you at all of these events and more! 
